Oracle APEX App Import Error: ORA-01403 no data found

The other day I came across a bug in Oracle APEX 21.2.10.
This error occurred during the app import:

After some troubleshooting, we found out that it was due to ACL role assignments that are defined in the APEX App Shared Components. These are stored in the metadata and are not transferred via App export and import.

In the end, it only helped to delete the old app first instead of overwriting it during the import.

With the help of Sean D. Stuber’s blog, we were able to conveniently export the ACL assignments into a SQL script beforehand.
Then delete the app and import the new app.
Finally, run the SQL script to import the ACL assignments (looking like this: APEX_ACL.ADD_USER_ROLE(p_application_id=>101,p_user_name=>’TESTUSER3′,p_role_static_id=>’ADMINISTRATOR’);

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