Get BLOB file size with automatic meaningful units

Just a quick reminder. Because this is not documented in the current API Docs at (as of Version 22.2).

If you want to display the file size of BLOB in Oracle APEX you can make use of the function APEX_UTIL.filesize_mask.

In Combination with dbms_lob.getlength it is easy to display any file size and no need to worry about the usage of KB, MB, GB, or TB.

apex_util.filesize_mask( dbms_lob.getlength( blob_column) )

-- Takes a file size in bytes and returns a rounded off size with trailing KB, MB, GB, or TB
-- Provides a more readable file size
-- Use FILESIZE format mask on numeric columns from within Classic and Interactive Reports
-- Null values will return null
-- KB, MB, GB, and TB are always english language strings
-- Example report format masks for interactive and classic reports
--     "FILESIZE"
-- Example SQL query syntax
--     "select apex_util.filesize_mask(8675309) from dual"
function filesize_mask (
    p_number       in number default null)
    return varchar2;
Result of apex_util.filesize_mask

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